Saturday, 16 April 2016

Production of alchohol

What is alcohol ?

1. It's a colorless liquid.
2. It's something used as a fuel.
3. It's something used as an industrial solvent.
4. It can be poisonous.
5. It catches on fire easily.
6. Many people drink it.

Production -

Fermented beverages -

The production of  alcohol is caused by the chemical phenomena fermented beverages. The fermented beverages are produced through fermentation. Fermentation in the case of alcoholic beverages refers to a metabolic process by which yeast convert sugar to ethanol .yeast is a type of fungus used in the fermentation of alcohol . In order for fermentation to take place, you begin with some type of carbohydrate that is needed to feed the yeast . The type of  carbohydrate used determines what the final product will be .

Ex. -
Beer is produced by fermenting grain .
Wine or hard cider is produced by fermenting fruit .
Mead is produced by fermenting honey.
Milk and tree or plant sap can be used to produce fermented beverages.

Distilled beverages -
In order to produce beverages above the concentration of ethanol achieved through fermentation, a distillation process is used.
Distillation of alcoholic beverages is the process by which water is removed from the mixture of ethanol and water.
During distillation, the difference in the boiling points of water and alcohol is used to separate the two liquid.

Production of alchohol

What is alcohol ? 1. It's a colorless liquid . 2. It's something used as a fuel . 3. It 's something used as an...