11 reasons to renounce
your fizzy drink habit
Earlier in the year, scientists issued a
warning over fizzy drinks, claiming that they cause a death toll of 184,000 adults every year.
But this is not the first time they have been put under the spotlight. Full
of sugar, chemicals and (usually) with zero nutritional value, fizzy drinks are
something that we have been warned against on countless occasions, even if they
do look appealing when the sun comes out.
And it's not just the 'full-fat' versions. Diet fizzy drinks can also have
extremely harmful effects.
• Man with a three-litre-a-day
cola habit drinks himself to death
Here are 11 reasons to try and quit your fizzy drink habit.
• Drinking fizzy pop for a month
'can lead to lifelong health problems’
1. They can increase our risk of cancer
There have been many studies that have looked at the links between various
types of cancer and fizzy drink consumption. They suggest:
2. They can raise our risk of heart disease
Scientists in America found a strong link between the proportion of daily
calories from foods laden with added sugars (like fizzy drinks) and death rates
from cardiovascular disease. They claimed that drinking three cans a day could
triple our
risk of heart disease.
3. They can lead to diabetes
Sugar-laden drinks have been proven to
increase cases of Type 2 diabetes. A
study conducted between 1990 and 2000 estimated that the increased consumption
of sugar-sweetened drinks contributed to 130,000 new cases of diabetes.

4. They can cause liver damage
A study from 2009 found that sugary drinks can cause fatty liver disease and
drinking just two cans per day could lead to
liver damage.
5. They can make us violent
A study carried out on teenagers found a link between drinking fizzy
violence and the likelihood of them carrying a
weapon. The researchers found that even teenagers who drank just two cans a
week were more aggressive towards their friends and those who drank five or
more cans a week were also more likely to have drunk alcohol or smoked at least
once in the previous month.
6. They can cause premature birth in pregnant
Pregnant women were warned against drinking diet fizzy drinks after a study
taken in Denmark on 60,000 women. Those who drank artificially sweetened soft
drinks, whether fizzy or still, were found to be more likely to
give birth prematurely. It was thought that the
chemicals in the artificial sweetner changed the wombs of the women.
7. They can change your brain
As well as affecting the body, fizzy drinks have been found to alter the
protein levels in the brain, which could lead to
8. They can cause premature aging
Phosphates used in fizzy drinks, as well as many other processed foods, has
been found to speed up the
ageing process. This is not bad just in
terms of wrinkles, but also health complications that some with age, such as ,
chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular calcification.
9. They can cause early puberty
A Harvard Medical School study of 5,583 girls aged nine to 14 found that
those who drank just one-and-a-half cans of soft drink a day
had their first periods earlier than those who
did not. This consequently meant that their risk of cancer increased.
10. They can make us fat
This one may seem obvious. However, what you may not know is that diet soft
drinks can still affect
our waistline dramatically. A study found that those
who drank diet fizzy drinks saw their waistlines expand nearly three times as
much as non-drinkers and even more so than those drinking non-diet versions.
11. They can increase our risk of Alzheimer's
Scientists in America found that mice fed the equivalent of five cans of
sugary drinks a day had worse memories and twice the amount of brain deposits
associated with the disease than mice without added sugar in their diet.
suggests that fizzy drinks could be linked with
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